Construction is Underway!

If you’ve been for a walk in the circle recently, you’ve probably seen us out and about, or evidence we were there. Perhaps you have seen the paint markings, or the different heavy equipment, or the unforgettable orange conduit/pipe. This is the start of the construction to bring you the best internet possible!

That’s what makes us different from the competition. We are bringing internet to you with some of the latest and robust technology available. The plan is to have the fiber buried and protected in the ground all the way to your house. We don’t have old copper lines in the ground, corroding away over the past 10-20+ years. We also don’t have wireless signals that are negatively impacted every time it rains (aka “rain fade”) or by congestion of your own home WiFi, your neighbor’s WiFi, or interference from your microwave every time you pop your favorite movie time snack!

What you should expect –

  • More Paint Markings – Arizona requires anyone that digs to locate existing utilities before they start digging. Most people don’t realize that even applies if you are planting a tree. As a result, before we break ground, we have to wait for the other utilities to locate and mark the ground with paint. This can sometimes slow us down, but it’s better than hitting a water main and causing a mini “geyser.”

  • Some Disrupted Ground – To maintain cost effective construction, whenever possible we are using an open trench excavation method. This means we are digging a trench to lay our conduit in the ground and then backfilling. We will do our best to return the surface of the ground to it’s previous condition. In other places, we will bore under roadways to prevent opening up the road to place our conduit. Once the conduit is in place, we have our underground highway to bring your that lighting fast internet.

  • Some funny looking guys around – We can’t help it – we are a little funny looking. We were born this way. We will eventually be in the alleys behind your homes to install the final run of conduit and fiber that will reach your home. Be warned, if you make funny faces at us, we will probably make funny faces back!

Here’s some pictures thus far of the fun we’ve been having with the heavy (and some not so heavy) machinery getting things ready for fiber fast internet.

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